Groundwater Lowering

Wellpoint Systems

Groundwater lowering using the vacuum technique (Europafilter) comprises a system of horizontal header pipes at the end of which a vacuum suction pump is mounted. Our specially manufactured filters, which have been optimized to meet the requirements, are cased off, flushed in and coated with a filter material. The pumps are designed for around-the-clock operation over longer periods of time and under extreme operating conditions.

Vacuum Small-Filter Wells

Vacuum small-filter wells with a nominal width of up to 250 millimeters are cased off, flushed in and equipped with at least one filter that has been optimized to meet the respective requirements, and in many cases with several filters. Depending on soil conditions, the filter material is optimized and installed in the well.

Open Small-Filter Wells

We bore open small-filter wells with a nominal width of up to 450 millimeters using a specially developed machine in the 50-ton class. Using sonic drilling, we then drill a cased-off borehole to a depth of 16 meters. The borehole is then fitted with an optimized screen and coated with a filter material tailored to the specific requirements. Traditional rod pumps (slim design) from our extensive machinery inventory are used to drain the water that accumulates in any soil.

Open Dewatering

Of course we also build simple pump sumps that are equipped with float-controlled submersible or mud pumps. Our comprehensive inventory of pumps can pump water volumes ranging from 500 to 20,000 liters per minute. The necessary drainage systems are dimensioned and constructed with quick-coupling pipes, solid steel pipes or flexible hose lines depending on the water volume.

Stump-BTE AG
Bielstrasse 102
4503 Solothurn
+41 32 644 28 68