Slope water

  • Siphon drainage
  • Suction drainage

  • Electro-pneumatic drainage

Haz­ards can be pre­vented with stump-bte bautechnik ag’s unri­valed drainage sys­tems.

Water is one of the main driv­ing forces of land­slides on slopes and a seri­ous risk fac­tor for struc­tural dam­age. Our drainage sys­tems are well suited for drain­ing slopes, low­er­ing the ground­wa­ter level of build­ings and sta­bi­liz­ing build­ings and road sec­tions. This requires accu­rate infor­ma­tion on the geo­logi­cal struc­ture and hydro­logi­cal con­di­tions.

Both Stump-BTE Bautechnik AG drainage sys­tems are unique tech­ni­cal solu­tions. Both of them offer unri­valed per­for­mance with low per­me­abil­ity and vary­ing flow rates, even with wastewa­ter. The siphon drainage sys­tem does not require exter­nal energy input. Elec­tro-pneu­matic drainage sys­tems use main­te­nance-free pumps oper­ated by a cen­tral com­pres­sor. They are all designed for a long, cost-ef­fec­tive ser­vice life.

Info sheet on drainage systems (PDF)

Stump-BTE Bautechnik AG
Bielstrasse 102
4500 Solothurn
+41 32 644 28 68