Ground and slope water


Stump-BTE AG spe­cialises in ground­wa­ter low­er­ing. It oper­ates through­out Switzer­land. Our many years of expe­ri­ence enable us to pro­vide solu­tions for low­er­ing ground­wa­ter lev­els in dif­fi­cult ground con­di­tions.

We have a wide range of sys­tems and pro­ce­dures in place to effec­tively con­trol the water level and keep the exca­va­tion dry. We take into ac­count the spe­cific require­ments of the con­struc­tion pro­ject and select the opti­mum method to effec­tively lower the ground­wa­ter.

Whether you are deal­ing with dif­fi­cult ground con­di­tions or com­plex exca­va­tion work, we can pro­vide you with the opti­mum solu­tion.

Stump-BTE Bautechnik AG
Bielstrasse 102
4500 Solothurn
+41 32 644 28 68