Precision and pendulum Drilling

Bores dril­led app­ly­ing this method are pro­du­ced with a high-pre­ci­sion ver­ti­cal course. We gua­ran­tee a maxi­mum devia­tion of /– 8 mil­li­me­ters. These bores are often used for the sub­se­quent instal­la­tion of mea­su­ring instru­ments for highly accu­rate and auto­ma­ted struc­tu­ral moni­to­ring. For example, for pen­du­lum bores used for moni­to­ring dams.

In order to achieve this degree of pre­ci­sion, we apply a spe­cial dril­ling and cor­rec­tion method deve­l­o­ped by us.

Info sheet on precision drilling (PDF)

Stump-BTE Bautechnik AG
Bielstrasse 102
4500 Solothurn
+41 32 644 28 68