Destructive drilling

Down-the-hole hammer drilling

Down-the-hole ham­mer dril­ling is a very effi­ci­ent way of dril­ling a well. Casings with an initial dia­me­ter of up to 244 mil­li­me­ters and cor­re­spon­ding drill dia­me­ters can be used with this dril­ling method. Simul­ta­neous dril­ling and casing makes it pos­si­ble to drill bore­ho­les in unsta­ble ter­rain. The casings can be reco­vered once the work has been com­ple­ted and the final lining has been instal­led.

Mud rotary drilling

By app­ly­ing the mud rotary dril­ling method it is pos­si­ble to manage even dif­fi­cult bore­hole con­di­ti­ons, also in destruc­tive dril­ling. Mud rotary dril­ling with the cor­re­spon­ding com­po­si­tion of dril­ling mud is used to pro­tect the sub­soil in par­ti­cu­larly pre­ca­rious geo­lo­gi­cal and hydro­lo­gi­cal con­di­ti­ons. Fur­ther­more, this method coun­ter­acts uncon­trol­led inflows of pres­su­ri­zed media in the sub­soil. It also prevents an out­flow or mixing of any pier­ced fluid boun­da­ries until a pro­tec­tive casing is instal­led.

Stump-BTE Bautechnik AG
Bielstrasse 102
4500 Solothurn
+41 32 644 28 68